Elephant kid saved – has lost his mother

Elephant kid saved has lost his mother



The full screen Other elephant calf of the subspecies sumatra elephant. File image. Photo: Heri Juanda/AP/TT

An elephant calf who lost his mother in a palm oil cultivation has been rescued by Indonesian authorities.

Now it is hoped that it will be able to reunite with its family.

The calf belongs to the subspecies Sumatraelephant, which is endangered. There are only around 2,400–2,800 left in the world, according to the World Nature Fund (WWF).

The elephant calf is a two -month -old male, and it was found alone at a cultivation in the Riaupro wine on the island of Sumatra on Monday after residents informed the authorities about it.

“We suspect this elephant was left by its group or mother,” says local official Ujang Holisudin.

The elephant was in good health when it was found, and authorities are looking for groups with elephants near the area to see if the calf can be reunited with their family.

– We hope that the group can be found and that we can reunite (the calf), says Ujang.
