Electrosensitivity: symptoms, cause, treatment

Electrosensitivity symptoms cause treatment

Electrosensitivity or electromagnetic sensitivity is characterized by an intolerance to electromagnetic fields, emitted by telephones, radios or any household appliance. Causes, symptoms and solutions.

In August 2015, French justice recognized for the first time a disability due to electrosensitivity. Also called electromagnetic sensitivity, this pathology is still poorly understood. An update on the most frequently observed symptoms, the diagnosis and the treatment envisaged with Dr Dominique Tripodi, head of the environmental occupational pathology department at the Nantes University Hospital.

Definition: what is an electrosensitive person?

The electrosensitive person is defined as presenting an intolerance to electromagnetic fields, whether high frequency, low frequency, or both. If some electrosensitive people manage to continue the work with adaptations, others find themselves confined and forced to live in “white areas, that is to say often isolated in nature”asks Dr. Dominique Tripodi straight away.

What are the symptoms of electrosensitivity?

There is no list of manifestations specific to electromagnetic sensitivity, but certain signs are frequently observed. According to the WHO, it can be:

  • dermatological reactions (redness, burning),
  • significant fatigue (asthenia),
  • dizziness,
  • difficulty concentrating,
  • nausea
  • palpitations
  • headache
  • eye pain
  • tinnitus

Symptoms vary in intensity and severity depending on the individual. In some cases, this sensitivity can be particularly disabling on a daily basis.

What causes or diseases can explain electrosensitivity?

Electrosensitivity is usually attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). Electromagnetic waves are more or less powerful depending on their frequency. They can be issued by television or radio antennas, cell phones, and household appliances. The onset of symptoms may also be due to fear of the health effects of electromagnetic fields, more than to the exposure itself. “To date, we lack scientific evidence that can explain the precise cause(s)“, explains the head of the environmental occupational pathology department at the Nantes University Hospital.

“Electrosensitivity is not recognized as a disease in France”

Who to consult when you are electrosensitive?

If the symptoms described in 2018 ANSES report correspond to those evoked by the patient, electrosensitivity can be suspected. However, to date there is no no additional examination, whether medical, biological or radiological to confirm the disorder.Since electrosensitivity is not recognized as a disease in France, diagnosis can be difficult. People find themselves deprived, little or not at all recognized as having a disability. General practitioners know very little about this syndrome. Patients can be referred to consultation centers for occupational and environmental pathologies located in university hospitals. says the specialist.

Individuals who suspect they may be sensitive to magnetic fields are advised to seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis. At present, there are no clear diagnostic criteria. That is why the doctor must first of all eliminate other pathologies that may be the cause of the symptoms by carrying out a medical and psychological examination.

What is the treatment for electrosensitivity?

Treatment is prescribed on a case-by-case basis, and is primarily based on symptom management. Long-term follow-up can be offered to people suffering from chronic and disabling symptoms, as well as psychological support. If the link is established between the symptoms and exposure to electromagnetic fields, preventive measures can also be put in place to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields: changes in working conditions to continue to lead a normal social life, for example.

What is the danger of a Linky meter in an electrosensitive person?

the danger of power line carriers (CPL) on health has not yet been established and there is no scientific study that has looked at the direct effect of Linky counters on health. “The exposure sources concerned here are low frequency electromagnetic fields from the electrical network. Here again, the possible effect on health of low frequency electromagnetic fields is not stopped. Current studies mainly concern high voltage lines that emit low frequency electromagnetic fields”. informs Dr. Dominique Tripodi.

Thanks to Dr Dominique TRIPODI, Head of the Environmental Occupational Pathology Department at Nantes University Hospital
