Electronic Arts and FIFA Parted Ways Completely!

Electronic Arts and FIFA Parted Ways Completely

Electronic Arts and FIFA, which have been partnering together for many years, have completely parted their ways.

PES, which listened to the love of football of gamers for a very long time, changed its name by changing its format with the decision it took. PES has become a completely free and online game and put an end to the competition with FIFA. This being the case, there were unexpected changes on the FIFA front as well. With the withdrawal of PES from the market, Electronic Arts had the courage to take the naming rights from FIFA.

After all ties were severed, FIFA started to look for a new developer for itself. FIFA 24 game, which will be released in the coming years, will be made by another game developer. Electronic Arts will develop FIFA 23 last, and then continue on its way under the name EA Sports FC.

FIFA side, which has started a big work for now, plans to develop the game until 2024. On the one hand, there is Electronic Arts, which has been a game developer for years, and on the other hand, FIFA, which will come from scratch with another developer. This situation is eagerly awaited in the game world.

In the game of football in recent years, gamers frequently express that they cannot find what they are looking for. In particular, eFootball was left in the classroom by the players. As such, both the new game by FIFA and the new game of Electronic Arts will determine the fate of the market.

FIFA 22 Goes Free!
