Electrification can free up Norwegian gas for export

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The industry organization Offshore Norway believes that the country’s oil operations on the Norwegian continental shelf can release large amounts of natural gas, by replacing gas-powered turbines on the oil platforms with electricity from land.

That gas could instead be exported to the EU.

“It is of great importance for Europe, which is crying out for gas,” says Benedicte Solaas at Offshore Norway to the newspaper Klassekampen.

Natural gas exports could increase by 2.5 percent annually from Norway, which means 25–31 terawatt hours converted into extra energy in 2030, according to calculations from the consulting company Endrava.

On the other hand, energy is required from land – where electricity prices, like in Sweden, have risen – for the venture, as well as investments of 50 billion Norwegian kroner.

— Of course, we understand that it is a very demanding situation. Despite that, we must not lose focus from important areas, such as reaching the climate goals. The electrification of the continental shelf can single-handedly cut Norway’s total emissions by nine percent, Solaas tells the newspaper.
