Electricity: ‘Vampire devices’ raise the bill by 20 percent

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A study by the British energy company British Gas revealed that “vampire devices” increase electricity consumption in households by 20 percent.

The definition of “vampire device” is used for devices that consume a surprising amount of electricity even when turned off.

According to the research, 2.2 billion pounds of electricity is used by these devices every year across the country.

That’s £147 per household, which is an average of two months’ electricity bill in the UK.

The increases in electricity prices in recent months push consumers all over the world to search for ways to save energy.

Unplugging vampire devices is among the easiest ways to do this.

These devices include smart speakers, laptops and modems.

The comfort of turning on the TV with the remote instead of plugging it in, costs £24 a year in the UK.

For other devices, the bill is as follows:

  • Digital broadcast box: £23.10
  • Microwave: £16.37
  • Game console: £12.17
  • Computer: £11.22
  • Geyser: £9.80
  • Washing machine: £4.73
  • Printer: £3.81
  • Phone charge: £1.26

British Gas energy expert Marc Robson recommends using electronic devices by connecting them to a multi-plug with an on-off switch, or switching to smart sockets.

Other electricity saving methods Robson recommends are as follows:

  • You can see all the electricity flow in smart sockets from your mobile phone.
  • Turn off the electricity flow instead of putting the devices you do not use at night into standby mode.
  • Do not charge your mobile phone or laptop more than you need.
  • Get in the habit of unplugging your devices as soon as they charge.
  • This not only saves electricity, but also extends your battery life.
