Electricity price lowest in a long time

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Relatively mild weather, occasionally windy, lower consumption and significantly lower gas prices on the continent. These are the reasons behind the significantly cheaper electricity compared to the price shock before Christmas.

When February can now be summed up, the average price for the month lands around 50 öre per kilowatt hour (kWh) in Norrland (electricity areas 1 and 2). To find a lower price in electricity area 2, i.e. southern and central Norrland, you have to go back to July 2022, when the price was 22 öre/kWh.

The average for the month is the price that is interesting to the majority of household customers, i.e. all those with a variable electricity price agreement.

In electricity area 3, Svealand and northern Götaland, the average price in February ended up at just over 80 öre/kWh, according to pricing on the electricity exchange Nord Pool. It is basically the same price as in October 2022. Before then, you have to go back to autumn 2021 to find a lower monthly price.

In Southern Sweden, electricity area 4, the February price landed at just over one kroner, the lowest since October 2022.

On top of the stock market price, the electricity company’s surcharge, electricity tax, VAT and electricity grid fee of the order of SEK 1:50 per kilowatt hour are added.
