Electricity consumption in Jönköping municipality has decreased by almost 10 percent

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

During November last year, Jönköping energi’s customers, which include most of Jönköping municipality, consumed 104 gigawatt hours. This year, that number ended up at 94 gigawatt hours. This means a reduction of 9.6 percent.

Inger Niss believes that it is a deliberate reduction due to the fact that customers have improved energy efficiency due to higher electricity costs.

Warm weather

Although the beginning of November was milder than usual this year, the average temperature for the month was only 1.3 degrees higher than last year. But even after a so-called temperature correction, consumption has decreased.

– If you were to correct the temperature, it would probably be an 8 percent reduction, says Inger Niss.

Recurring problem

According to Inger Niss, we will encounter similar problems with high electricity prices and high effects in the future. And despite the fact that Jönköping residents have reduced their electricity consumption, it is only 5 percent less than in November 2020.

In the clip above, Inger Niss tells us more about how we cut down on electricity and how it will be going forward.
