Electricity bill, Arera: Greater protection + 8.8% in the fourth quarter of 2024 for vulnerable customers

Gas Arera 11 March price for vulnerable customers

(Finance) – In the last quarter of 2024 it will increase by 8.8%. electricity bill for the vulnerable “typical customer”. served in Greater Protection. In fact, since 1 July this year, the service has been available only to vulnerable customers, i.e. those who find themselves in at least one of the following conditions: over 75 years of age, recipient of a social bonus, person with a disability (art. 3 , L. 104/92), resident in an emergency housing module or smaller non-interconnected island, user of life-saving equipment. Arera communicated this.

Approximately approx. are currently served in the Greater Protection service 3.4 million customers. Please note that all vulnerable customers, even those currently on the free market, have the right to switch to Greater Protection.

The change for the next quarter is mainly due to the expected increase in wholesale electricity prices as a result of the increase in gas prices which is historically recorded in view of the colder months. In detail, the increase in the PE component to cover the purchase costs of theelectricity (+8.7%) is added to that of the PPE equalization component (+0.8%), counterbalanced by the decline in dispatching costs (-0.7%). The components relating to general system charges and regulated network tariffs (transport and meter management) remain unchanged.

Although not yet back to pre-crisis levels, spending for the typical vulnerable user in Greater Protection in 2024 will be around 498 eurosdown 27.2% compared to the equivalent 12 months of the year 2023.

“Bad news, even if the increase was widely expected due to the trend in wholesale prices. Let it be clear, however, that prices for the vulnerable, despite today’s increase, remain still more convenient than those of the free market. At the moment in Rome, out of 1039 offers registered on the Arera Portal with variable prices and bands, none for the typical customer who consumes 2,000 kWh per year is more convenient than protection and the most convenient on the free market. costs over 67 euros more per year; no advantage even in the case of a fixed or single-hour price. Even in Milan, out of 1049 offers with variable prices and in bands, none costs less than protection! he commented Mark Vignolavice president of the National Consumers Union.

(Photo: photoiron – stock.adobe.com)
