Electric that brings a range of 70 km only with solar panels: Lightyear 0 -LOG

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One of the most special models in the electric car market Lightyear One, with production version lightyear 0 aspect before us.

Lightyear One It was an electric car model that has been on the agenda for a very long time. inside Eindhoven UniversityDeveloped by a team including students from With a range of up to 709 km was on the agenda. The vehicle with solar panels on it 60 kWh previously promised with the battery pack 724 km It was very close to range. Now the version of the vehicle will be on sale. lightyear 0 officially introduced under the name. Focusing on high efficiency continuing the tailed design line The vehicle has a luxurious living space. Of course, the most striking aspect of the model is the solar panels on it, which we mentioned before. The automobile will produce electricity with these panels. It can offer a range of 70 km.. For this, the weather must be completely open and the vehicle must be in direct sun during the summer period. for the vehiclecan save those with short daily usage time from charging for a month” such an ambitious statement is made.

Lightyear 0, It is not a vehicle that can drive with full sun all the time for everyone. The model often needs to be connected to the charging network, where high-speed charging is also offered at suitable stations. Maintained its capacity 60 kWh at 110 km/h with battery pack The vehicle, which can reach a good range value of 560 km, It is not very performant as it focuses on high efficiency. Unlike many electric cars, the Lightyear 0 accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h. it takes exactly 10 seconds. If the vehicle’s maximum speed is 160 km/h located at the level.


It is designed for five people and has half of the rear wheels closed to increase efficiency. Lightyear 0, It is one of the most expensive electric car models in the world. from this vehicle A total of 946 pieces will be produced. and for each vehicle 250 thousand euros price will be requested. With the revenue earned from this model, the firm 30 thousand euros It aims to produce an electric car with solar panels for everyone with a low price.
