Electric scooter speed limit reduced in five districts of Istanbul

Electric scooter speed limit reduced in five districts of Istanbul

Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality (IMM) Presidency Transportation Coordination Center (UKOME) electric scooter decisions were taken.

Here As reported, with the decision of the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality Transportation Coordination Center (UKOME), in five different districts where pedestrian circulation is intense, the normal speed of 20 km/h is increased. electric scooter The speed limit was reduced to 12.5 km/h. The application was officially implemented as of November 17, 2023. At the meeting of UKOME on 31 August, it was stated that in sensitive areas of ‘Kadıköy, Şişli, Beşiktaş, Beyoğlu, Fatih’ districts with high pedestrian density, 20 km/h electric scooter A proposal to regulate the speed limit as 12.5 km/h was brought to the agenda. The proposal was later accepted by UKOME and the necessary signature processes were completed. Now scooter Drivers will be able to speed up to 12.5 kilometers per hour in areas with high pedestrian density in Kadıköy, Şişli, Beşiktaş, Beyoğlu and Fatih districts. Similar decisions for Istanbul had been taken before.


There are many people in Istanbul who are disturbed by the incredibly increasing number of scooters through sharing systems. At the same time, there is a large group of people who see these vehicles, which offer rapid transportation, as indispensable in the incredibly busy Istanbul traffic. By the way, of course, scooter services are used not only in Istanbul but also in many cities of Turkey, and there are always mixed comments on this subject.
