Electric car: the availability of charging points must increase

Electric car the availability of charging points must increase

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According to the new Observatory of the quality of the services of electric charging accessible to the public led by the French Association for theroaming electric vehicle charging (AFIREV)*, 73% of charging points are available on average 99% of the time, which still means that 27% are not systematically available to users, 6.3% even being declared out of service for more than 7 consecutive days.

However, there are regional disparities. It is in Normandy and Brittany that the proportion of terminals available 99% of the time is the highest, unlike the Centre-Val de Loire and Pays de la Loire. Brittany and Normandy also stand out with the lowest rates of out-of-service terminals in France.

Where the rub is that a large majority of drivers of electrified vehicles have already come across an out of service charging station (76%) or have been confronted with a charging fault (80%) in the last 6 months . The cases most often reported concern an impossible connection (71%), a sudden stoppage of charging (67%) or even a blocked cable (60%). In fact, half of respondents (51%) say they needed to contact the hotline in 2021.

50,000 charging stations in France

The quality of the roaming charging service was therefore still not at an optimal level in 2021, capable of perfectly meeting expectations, at a time when the electric market is exploding. Despite these imperfections, 82% of French people questioned still say they are satisfied with their experience.

It should be noted that it is also essential to improve information for drivers of electrified vehicles, since 40% of owners of electric cars and 42% of model owners hybrids plug-ins say they don’t know how much charging power their car needs.

France should have nearly 700,000 electric charging stations made available in the public space by 2030, compared to just over 50,000 currently.

*This study was conducted online by Colombus Consulting and OpinionWay, from October 13 to 28, 2021, with a sample of 600 electric or plug-in hybrid vehicle users, aged 18 and over, representative of the French population.

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