Electric car sales are increasing in European Union countries

Electric car sales are increasing in European Union countries

According to current reports European Union in their countries electric car sales are increasing. Electric transformation is growing with firm steps.

According to the news in the world European Automobile Manufacturers Association (ACEA), European Union announced the new automobile registration data of their countries for August. New car sales in EU countries, Last month it became 787 thousand 626, increasing by 21 percent compared to the same period in 2022.. New vehicle registrations in Union member countries increased by 17.9 percent in January-August 2023 compared to the same period last year, reaching 7 million 78 thousand 464. Number of new cars sold in EU countries in August 32.7 percent consisted of gasoline, 23.9 percent hybrid, 21 percent full electric, 12.5 percent diesel, 7.4 percent plug-in hybrid and 2.5 percent other fuels.. Thus, the share of electric cars in total sales in EU countries It exceeded 20 percent for the first time and surpassed diesel cars. Electric car sales increased in August compared to the same period last year It increased by 118.1 percent and reached 165 thousand 165. The number of electric cars sold since the beginning of this year has also increased Reached 984 thousand 864. Automobile sales increased by 37.3 percent in Germany, 24.3 percent in France and 11.9 percent in Italy in August compared to the same period last year. According to the news Among the 27 member countries of the Union, the highest number of new cars entered the traffic in Germany in August. During this period, 273 thousand 417 new cars were registered in Germany, 113 thousand 599 in France and 79 thousand 727 in Italy. According to manufacturers, the highest number of new car sales in the EU in August was 209 thousand 548. Volkswagen Group carried out.


So what is the situation in Turkey? According to calculations, in August it was the most electric car selling brand local togg happened. The only model of the brand is T10X, total 5,174 in August when electric cars were sold 1,915 to the sales figure reached. The real leader here is still Tesla It is thought to be the case, but the company does not share official data because it is not registered with the Automotive Distributors and Mobility Association (ODMD). Details about the sale of Model Y, the only vehicle Tesla brought to Turkey here While in our news, Togg was the leader with 1,072 electric vehicles sold in August. Renault, with 567 vehicles MG, with 381 vehicles Citroën, Mercedes-Benz with 221 vehicles, 158 vehicles Opel, with 148 vehicles Dacia, with 126 vehicles BMW, with 120 vehicles KIA and with 97 vehicles fiat Brands like are watching.
