Electric bike: this smart headlight makes the road safer

Electric bike this smart headlight makes the road safer

The German equipment supplier Trelock has just presented an intelligent lighting concept for electric bike projecting flashing light signals on the ground, indicating both the path to follow and possible dangers on the road. The system is directly integrated into the headlight, in the form of a small module projecting animated images on the road.

For the moment, this new technology remains in the test phase and projects useful information for the cyclist of course, such as warnings on the state of the road, but also for other road users, such as the fact that the bike will soon turn right or left. It is even possible to project information on the state of charge of the battery or on the fact that you should remember to lock your bike when you have finished using it.

Eventually, other types of markings are planned, such as the representation on the ground of a safety zone when a car gets closer and tries to double the bike or hazard symbols if the cyclist has to brake suddenly or pull away. This innovative lighting concept is above all more reassuring, forcing the cyclist to keep the eyes on the road and not be distracted by any screen. It remains to be seen whether this solution will also be approved.
