Electoral card: can you vote without your voter card this Sunday?

Electoral card can you vote without your voter card this

VOTER CARD. See you at your polling station this Sunday, June 2022, 12 for the first round of the legislative elections! But is it necessary to bring your electoral card to participate in the ballot?

[Mis à jour le 12 juin 2022 à 16h44] It’s the day to bring out your electoral card, the polling stations have opened their doors again this Sunday, June 12th! Two months after the presidential election, place for the legislative elections in this month of June, elections which are held in two rounds. This Sunday, the poll of the day is therefore the first round of the legislative elections, the moment to support the deputy you wish to see reach the second round in your constituency. To vote, you have two options: go face-to-face to the polling station attached to your constituency or make a power of attorney.

If you decide to make the trip, you can, if you wish, bring your electoral card. Only if you want? Well, yeah! Bringing your card is not compulsory. All you have to do is present a piece of paper proving your identity and showing an individual photograph. To find out the list of identity papers that serve as an electoral card, browse this article! If you prefer to bring your card, you should be interested to know how to receive it.

Again, it’s very simple: it is sent by post to your home no later than three rounds before the election. In theory, you should have received it last Thursday at the latest, three days before the election. But don’t panic if it was not distributed to you before the election! It is that it is kept in your polling station. You can retrieve it by presenting an identity document. One last useful info: a young person who reaches the age of majority can receive his electoral card during a citizenship ceremony organized by the mayor.

What to do in case of loss or theft of his electoral card?

You will need to bring your electoral card to vote or, if applicable, an identity paper on which appears a photograph of you. But, what to do in case of loss of the card? You can ask the town hall for a certificate of registration on the electoral list. When voting, you can present the registration certificate to your polling station. What if it’s a theft? You will need to notify the police station or the gendarmerie brigade in order to avoid any fraudulent use of the card. In addition, you can in the meantime ask the town hall for a certificate of registration on the electoral list. When voting, you can present the registration certificate to your polling station.

Is the QR code on the electoral card useful for voting?

For those who will have their electoral card in hand when voting this Sunday, know that its content has been slightly modified, at least modernized for this year 2022. Indeed, for the presidential election, but also for these legislative elections, the new electoral card sent to each voter registered on the electoral cards has a QR code. By scanning it, you have direct access to all the useful procedures on the website dedicated to the elections of the Ministry of the Interior. More specifically, by landing on the site, you will find the answers to all your questions about the electoral process. You will be able to find out about your electoral situation, how to find a polling station, how to make a power of attorney in the event of absence on polling day… There are also detailed general information on the elections, including their role and voting methods. This QR code is the same for all cards and for all voters: it does not involve any collection of personal data. Its use is solely to direct the user to the dedicated internet portal: it thus has the role of an info point.

What personal information is on the electoral card?

If you have not chosen to make a proxy and you go to the polling station in person this Sunday, you will need to bring your electoral card, or official paper attesting to your identity (with a photograph on which you figure). The electoral card indicates several personal information. There are in fact the surnames and first names of the voter, his address of domicile or residence, his date of birth, his national number and the place of the polling station of the voter. Do not panic if you notice an error on your card! You simply have to ask for it to be corrected using this online service (link: https://psl.service-public.fr/mademarche/rnipp/demarche?execution=e1s1). One last useful information: on the electoral map, the signature of the mayor or the stamp of the town hall are optional. The voter’s signature is also not required.

If it is possible to vote without the famous card, certain documents remain essential. First of all, it is advisable to make sure of your presence – imperative – on the electoral lists of your commune before the day of the vote. Once this is done, you can go to vote place without your voter’s card, but on condition that you can prove your identity. This is possible thanks to the list of documents below, whose common point is the presence of a photograph:

  • National Identity Card
  • passport
  • driver’s license
  • vital card
  • civil servant card
  • SNCF large family card
  • military ID card
  • hunting permit
  • military or civilian disability card
  • fighter card

To obtain a voter’s card, you must be registered on the electoral lists. This registration can be done in several ways. This can be done automatically, as in the case of the office registration of a young person reaching the age of 18. You can also do it voluntarily by taking the steps on the French administration website. Otherwise, registration can be done following a move or obtaining French nationality. You can check your electoral registration and know your polling station using the national administration’s teleservice by clicking here.
