Elections will not be won by repealing the right to abortion, reminds a leading North American researcher | Policy

Elections will not be won by repealing the right to

Women who voted Republican can pull off a surprise in the US presidential election.

The abortion issue is an issue in which the women who voted for the Republicans in the United States have left the party ranks. In the elections, even the state’s power relations have changed because of the abortion issue, says the professor of North American studies Benita Heiskanen.

– Abortion right is Horrible Harris the number one issue and the issue that will be voted on during this election in angelic states like Arizona.

According to Heiskanen, the right to abortion is a difficult issue for the US Republican Party. The issue has been brought up for 50 years in the hope that women’s right to abortion will be repealed, and the party will get the Christian right in its ranks.

– Every time the abortion issue has been on the election ticket, the supporters of abortion have won. It has become clear that repealing abortion will not win elections. This is a problem that Republicans have not been able to solve. Instead, rhetoric is used, which paints images of threats, extremist thinking.

Heiskanen, who visited A-studio on Wednesday, reminds us that there is an ideological divide in the attitude towards abortion in the United States.

– Is it a matter between the woman and the nursing staff or is this a moral issue that can be decided by outsiders.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and the Democratic candidate Kamala Harris met for the first time early Wednesday morning Finnish time in the ABC channel’s election debate. Abortion right was one of the topics of the debate.

In opinion polls for the US presidential elections, voters have considered the abortion issue to be one of the most important election issues, along with the economy and immigration.

Senior researcher at the Foreign Policy Institute Ville Sinkkonen estimates that the issue of abortion can have a surprisingly large significance in the elections.

– If you think about, for example, the midterm elections, where the Democrats fared better than predicted, abortion was a key issue.

Abortion rights have been a politically hot issue in the United States for decades. The controversy got more rounds in 2022, when the country’s Supreme Court overturned the universal right to abortion.

Watch Wednesday’s A-studio at Areena.
