Elections in Russia were overshadowed by protests! Molotov cocktails are thrown, paint is spilled on the ballot boxes…

Elections in Russia were overshadowed by protests Molotov cocktails are

The elections, which have been going on for 2 days in Russia, will end as of today. However, the elections were on the agenda with their protests rather than their results. In the footage recorded yesterday, a woman who attacked a voting center with a Molotov cocktail was detained, while a woman poured paint on the ballot box during the elections in Yekatarinburg.


While people go to the polls in Russia for the presidential elections that will end today, protests continue in some voting elections. Many people who think the elections are unfair pour paint into the ballot boxes where ballot papers are placed. In the Volgograd region, a woman threw a molotov cocktail at the election center. While the flames around the ballot box were extinguished in a short time, the woman who carried out the action was taken into custody.

On the first day of the three-day voting, there were many reports that Russian citizens spilled green paint on the ballot boxes. On Friday, Nikolay Bulayev, deputy chairman of Russia’s Central Election Committee, said there were five separate incidents of liquids being poured into containers. According to the Interfax news agency, the liquid spilled into the chest was an antiseptic solution. According to Russian media, two women were arrested in Moscow for pouring green paint into boxes to destroy ballot papers.



On Friday, a person was seen throwing a Molotov cocktail at the election center in Vladimir Putin’s hometown. The same action was carried out early yesterday at the Russian embassy, ​​which served as a voting center in Moldova. Russian state news agency TASS said one person was arrested in connection with the attack.


In a separate incident in a remote part of the Urals, protesters tried to destroy ballot boxes using homemade Molotov cocktails, state media said.


Russian telecommunications company Rostelecom announced that more than 90 thousand cyber attacks were carried out on the Central Election Board and electronic voting systems. More than 90 thousand cyber attacks have been carried out so far.

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