Elderly woman found dead in apartment in Umeå – police investigate murder

It was during the night of Monday that the police were alerted by worried relatives of the woman. Police went to the scene where the woman, who is older than 70 years, was found dead in her apartment.

The police believe that there are “unclear circumstances” surrounding the death and have chosen to categorize it as murder at the moment, in order to be able to investigate what happened.

– The apartment is cordoned off and we have carried out a crime scene investigation. We will map out what has happened, says Markus Danielsson.

What kind of unclear circumstances are these?

– I can’t go into that in detail, says Danielsson.

The police are in close contact with the Forensic Medicine Agency in Umeå, where the woman is to be autopsied. The hope is to get more clarity on what happened as soon as possible.

– We want to be able to rule out murder, but the suspicion of crime is lower than cases of illness, says the police chief.
