full screen Genre picture. Woman in a nursing home. Photo: Kallestad, Gorm / NTB
Users of a nursing home were forced to defecate hanging from slings above a plastic canopy in bed.
It reports NWT.
Now the municipality of Sunne has registered itself with the Inspectorate for Care and Care (Ivo).
The municipality of Sunne has made a report according to lex Sarah to the Inspectorate for Care and Care (Ivo) due to serious abuses in a nursing home. This is reported by Nya Wermlands-Tidningen after the work methods were noticed and were not compatible with current values and ethics.
“It’s about how we let our customers take care of their stomachs hanging in a sling over the bed,” writes Frida Vasiliou, socially responsible coordinator at Sunne municipality, in the report to Ivo.
full screen Map view of Sunne municipality. Photo: Google Maps
Residents have not been allowed to use the toilet, but have been forced to relieve themselves on a plastic toilet in their own beds, hanging from slings.
– An aid has been used in an incorrect way. Actually, we use lifts to move a customer from bed to hygiene chair, if it is the case that one needs to perform their needs, says Frida Vasiliou to the newspaper and continues:
– It’s tragic, but that’s how it happened. But now we’re fixing this.
According to Vasiliou, the method involves several risks, such as pressure or damage to the skin or circulatory disturbance. But it can also be perceived as offensive, she says.
The staff has now received information about risks and ethics in the way of working.
– This is about several customers. However, no one was injured. We have no documentation on that. Ivo finishes now and does not do his own investigation. They review the investigation we have done and that we meet all legal requirements. And that this does not happen again, says Frida Vasiliou.