Elderly man exposed to fraud in Gothenburg

The man received a phone call from a person who claimed to be calling from a bank and who managed to convince him that he would face a crime if he did not hand over his valuables.

– As a rule, they usually request that they receive jewellery, bank cards, watches. The elderly collect everything they own and have and put it in a bag, in the belief that they are doing this to prevent a crime, says Stefan Gustafsson.

“A generation that trusted banks and authorities”

The fraudsters persuaded the man to also hand over his bank card details, but after a while he contacted the bank, which was able to block the cards before any money was withdrawn. The police warn that more elderly people may be affected in the same area.

– Those who are affected feel incredibly bad and take the blame for what has happened, but they shouldn’t do that in any way. They live in a generation that trusted people who represent banks and authorities, says Stefan Gustafsson.
