Elderly care in Ragunda is to be run by the municipality

Twelve voted for and nine were against the proposal for free work shoes for staff in elderly care.

The issue has been pursued by the municipal union for a number of years. Starting from that struggle, Anton Hammar (S) wrote a motion in which he believes that the shoes are an equality issue.

“In male-dominated industries, work shoes have been a matter of course for a long time”. So he writes in a press release and refers to the fact that technical professions and caring professions differ.

The opposition won

– They walk and stand on hard floors inside the residences and the home service gets in and out of the cars in all weathers, I’m glad we managed to get this through, says Anton Hammar (S).

Together with the Left Party and the Sweden Democrats, the Social Democrats voted through the motion.

The board, which consists of the Center Party, the Christian Democrats, the Moderates and All for Ragunda, voted against the proposal.
