Elden Ring sales figure has been officially announced

Elden Ring sales figure has been officially announced

The sales figure of Elden Ring, which has not passed a month since its release date, has surpassed 12 million according to the official statement.

Elden Ring has been talked about since the day it was released and continues to increase its sales. The picture of the game, which broke an important record for the Souls genre by reaching more than 800,000 players even on the Steam platform in terms of instant player count. sales figures finally announced. Previously, it was stated in Steam Spy reports that it exceeded five million a week after its release and then exceeded the 10 million threshold. When we look at the official figures, we see that these reports do not reflect the truth because consoles are not discussed.

Elden Ring surpassed 12 million sales figures

Bandai Namco has officially announced the sales figures of Elden Ring with its official statement. In the statement made, it is stated that the game has reached a sales figure of more than 12 million in total on all platforms. Yasuo Miyakawa, Chairman of Bandai Namco, said in a statement:

β€œThe FromSoftware and Bandai Namco partnership has brought to life ELDEN RING, this new action RPG game that has sold over 12 million units worldwide. I am so grateful for being involved in bringing such a fantastic and fantastic game to life with FromSoftware, under the guidance of Director Miyazaki and with George RR Martin. “I’m proud. A lot of effort went into making ELDEN RING to exceed the expectations of our fans around the world. With a similar goal, we will continue to work to take the brand beyond the game and into everyone’s daily life.”
