Elden Ring DLC: How to defeat the final boss

The final boss of the Elden Ring DLC ​​is a tough nut to crack. In our guide, we’ll show you how to defeat the fight.

Who is the final boss of the DLC? The final opponent of Shadow of the Erdtree is an old acquaintance. Namely Radahn, who players already know from the main game. Only this time he seems to be younger and even more agile. You are basically facing Radahn in his prime.

In the second phase, he receives support from none other than Miquella. We’ll explain below how you can keep the two at bay and complete the DLC victoriously.

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Find Radahn

Where is the final boss? The final boss is in the Enir-Ilim area. This is located northwest of Belurat Castle and is only accessible after you burn the Scadu tree after the fight against Romina. This is only possible if you have defeated Messmer beforehand.

Radahn is waiting for you at the end of Enir-Ilim. Rest at the Place of Grace “Front Stairs to the Divine Portal” in front of the entrance to the arena and prepare yourself.

Defeat Radhan

Radahn is an enemy with strong armor and two large swords that he wants to beat you with. To be well prepared for the strong attacks, collect as many Scadu tree fragments as possible beforehand. They make your attacks stronger and increase your defense. You can find a guide on this on MeinMMO.

You can also summon two NPCs to help you in this fight after you have correctly solved the Thiollier quest and the Ansbach quest. You can also summon your spirit ash; the Mimic Ash or Tiche are particularly strong here. Help in the form of real fellow players is also available if needed.

If you want to make phase 2 of the fight easier, get Miquela’s Great Rune. You get it after defeating the Avatar of the Scadu Tree in the Shadow Keep. You can use it to remove a deadly status effect.

Weaknesses of Radahn

What are Radahn’s weaknesses? The final boss is particularly vulnerable to bleeding damage and scarlet rot. So use weapons that fall into one of the two categories. We have a particularly strong blood build for you on MeinMMO. Frost is also effective against Radahn.

Holy damage is unfortunately out of place here, because Radahn is immune to it. He uses holy attacks himself.

With strong attacks, which can be achieved with a Strength build, it is also possible to break the opponent’s stance and land a critical hit. You can also parry Radahn, but it takes three successful parries before you can perform the critical attack.

The fight against Radahn consists of two phases. We look at the attacks and explain how you can react to them:

Attacks and Tactics – Phase 1

In the first phase, the boss calls himself “Radahn, Promised Husband”.

  • If Radahn is far away, he will fly towards you in a rotating motion and point his two swords at you. When he lands, there will be an explosion. Roll out of the landing zone before Radahn reaches you.
  • In close combat, Radahn swings his sword, creating flames that cause bleeding damage. Roll backwards three times to avoid the range of the sword and flames. Alternatively, roll into the first sword attack and then roll behind him to avoid the flame. Warning: The flame explosion is followed by more attacks, so be prepared for them.
  • If you stand far away, Radahn can pull you towards him using the magic of gravity. During this time, you are unable to move. If he has you in front of him, he hits the ground and creates sharp rocks that protrude from the ground. You can dodge this attack, however: When Radahn folds his hands, roll backwards quickly to avoid being pulled towards him. If this happens anyway, try to roll out of the attack radius of the sharp rocks as quickly as possible.
  • At close to medium range, Radahn will hit you three times. Roll either left or right, also three times.
  • Radahn also has a combo of four sword swings. He finishes it again with rocks coming out of the ground. You can dodge his sword swings by rolling, then wait about half a second and roll again to dodge the rocks.
  • Radahn can quickly cover a certain distance by doing a somersault and landing directly on you. Dodge by rolling to the side, but be careful: Radahn can repeat this attack immediately, so don’t attack immediately.
  • Attacks and Tactics – Phase 2

    In phase 2 of the fight, the boss is given a new name: “Radahn, Miquella’s Consort”. In addition to the attacks from phase 1, he also has a few new attacks up his sleeve and now uses holy attacks. This phase starts as soon as you have reduced Radahn’s health bar to around 70%.

  • The sword attacks from phase 1 now also deal holy damage with each swing, so be careful when dodging, roll to the side or forward rather than backwards so you don’t get caught.
  • Radahn floats in the air and creates eight electrically charged meteor projectiles that chase you. Run left or right just before they hit you.
  • Radahn raises his sword and creates four doppelgangers made of light. They race towards you and attack before Radahn himself follows with an explosion of light. Roll left or right here to avoid the attacks from Radahn and the clones, then roll forward once.
  • If Radahn is far away, he can also raise his sword and create a holy energy field that fills the entire arena. Simply roll under it.
  • Radahn can grab you. First he glows gold, then he jumps towards you and tries to grab you. Radahn then holds you up to Miquella, who puts a spell on you. You don’t take any damage. But if you let yourself be grabbed a second time, you die immediately. You can prevent this by rolling away just before Radahn lands. If he grabs you anyway, use Miquella’s Great Rune to get rid of the deadly spell.
  • If Radahn only has about 20-30% of his life left, he will fly high into the air and after a short while crash back into the arena, near you, onto the ground. The explosion this creates is very dangerous and can kill you instantly. It’s best to run to the opposite side from where Radahn flew off and try to avoid the explosion by rolling at the right moment. Getting the timing right can take a few tries, listen for a scream and then roll.
  • If you still need tips on how to get the helpful Scadu Tree Fragments, the following video from MeinMMO might help you:

    Elden Ring DLC: Collecting Scadu Tree Fragments – Why they are important and how to get them

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    More tips

    What else should I consider? Many of Radahn’s attacks are physical in nature, so good armor is important to avoid being killed immediately. At the same time, you should have at least a medium roll. So make sure that your load is not more than 69.9%, otherwise you will be overloaded and will only roll slowly. A fast roll (load under 30%) is even better.

    To be prepared for the holy attacks, it may be worth bringing the talisman “Golden Braid” (high resistance to holy damage) and the item “Holy-Safe Dry Liver” (-15% holy damage).

    There are also builds that are particularly strong against Radahn. For example, one that uses the new perfume bottles and is currently used by many players against the final boss.

    If you play with summons, it can help to draw Radahn’s attention to you, especially at the beginning. This way, your helpers can do a lot of damage and, in the best case, still be alive in phase 2.

    If the boss lies in the dust, you will be rewarded with 500,000 runes and the “Echo of a God and a Prince”.

    If you follow these tips, the fight against the final boss of the DLC should be easier for you. Have you developed your own tactics against him? What did you think of Radahn at the end of Shadow of the Erdtree? Let us know in the comments. For more guides on Elden Ring, take a look at our overview on MeinMMO.
