Elba reacts to the knife violence

Elba reacts to the knife violence




full screen British actor Idris Elba in Parliament Square in London wearing clothing representing those killed in knife violence in the UK. Photo: Frank Augstein/AP/TT

Hundreds of people have been killed in British knife attacks in recent years. Now the actor Idris Elba is reacting to what he sees as politicians’ disinterest.

– I can no longer stand silently while young people are taken away, he says and presents a campaign against the violence.

Britain was rocked by another brutal stabbing on New Year’s Eve when a 16-year-old boy was killed in London.

It was just the latest in a long string of violence involving larger knives in Britain, with police saying at least 247 people were killed by knife violence in England and Wales between July 2022 and June 2023.

From the politicians it is quiet, too quiet, believes Idris Elba, who has now launched his campaign “Don’t stop your future” (Don’t stop your future) outside the parliament in London.

– Our political leaders must prioritize this issue, and now, says Elba according to The Guardian.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced in August last year a ban on carrying machetes and other large knives, but since then not much has happened on the issue.

– Young people are our future, their potential deserves to be taken care of, not taken away by violence, says Elba, known from, among other things, the TV series “Luther” and “The wire”.

His campaign was launched by putting out shoes and shirts outside Parliament Square, a small package for every person killed by knife violence on Britain’s streets.

– We must motivate young people not to carry knives, we must invest in programs that get to the bottom of what causes the violence, says Elba.
