Eid al-Fitr reception from US President Biden

Eid al Fitr reception from US President Biden

US President Joe Biden gave the message that “American Muslims make our country stronger” at the reception he organized for Eid al-Fitr at the White House.

US President Biden hosted American Muslim opinion leaders at the reception he held at the White House.

Speaking at the reception attended by Turkey’s Ambassador to Washington, Murat Mercan, Biden said that all Muslims celebrate Eid.

“Muslims make our country even stronger”

Giving the message that “American Muslims make our country stronger”, Biden emphasized that freedom of belief is one of the fundamental values ​​of America.


Drawing attention to the social importance of the values ​​that the month of Ramadan reminds, Biden stated that Muslims make important contributions to the development of humanity in every field, including the Kovid-19 vaccine.

Imam Talib Sharif, who made a short speech in the program, also referred to the brotherhood and social sharing between different societies and thanked the Biden administration for its support to American Muslims. (AA)
