EIB, 20 million euro loan to BeDimensional

EIB 20 million euro loan to BeDimensional

(Finance) – The European Investment Bank (EIB) he claims BeDimensional, Italian scaleup, with financing aimed at expanding the production of its revolutionary graphene, a material that promises to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness and industrial base globally. The 20 million euro venture debt financing from the EIB will allow BeDimensional to establish itself as a leader in the production of innovative two-dimensional crystals, such as “Few-Layer Graphene – FLG” and “Few-Layer Hexagonal Boron Nitride Graphene” Nitride). The Vice President of the EIB Gelsomina Vigliotti and the CEO of BeDimensional Vittorio Pellegrini announced the financing agreement today at theinauguration of the company factory in Genoa, the first in the world in the production of FLG and FLB. BeDimensional plans to build a second plant in Italy by 2027 to increase the production of FLG and FLB.

BeDimensional’s new technological solutions for graphene, both focused on two-dimensional crystals, they have proven ultra-performing in electric vehicle batteries and in a new generation of metal-free motor oils. These are therefore technologies that mark a fundamental stage in Europe’s green transition and pave the way for the creation of jobs in the Italian advanced manufacturing industry.

“This project represents a concrete example of the support the EIB can offer to European innovators in developing essential technologies to strengthen the EU’s industrial base and promote the green transition – he said Vigliotti –. We are helping to consolidate Europe’s technological leadership, reducing dependence on external suppliers and creating highly qualified jobs.”

Thanks to EIB financing, supported by InvestEU programme, BeDimensional plans to increase its production capacity of two-dimensional crystals by more than ten times, exceeding 30 tons per year by 2028. Present at today’s inauguration of the plant were representatives of the academic world, researchers, Italian parliamentarians, officials from the Liguria Region and the Municipality of Genoa, managers of BeDimensional partner companies and representatives of the financial sector.

“New market opportunities are emerging in the green technology sector – he declared Pilgrims –. The fact that the EIB has decided to join our investors to support our industrial scale-up fills us with enthusiasm and gratitude. Our firm goal is to become a model in the emerging market for two-dimensional crystals and thus ensure Europe has a leading position in the production and supply of these advanced materials.”

BeDimensional is a spin-off company of Graphene Labs of the Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa and has established itself as a leader in the development of two-dimensional crystals. Its mission is to revolutionize materials manufacturing by producing graphene, hexagonal boron nitride and other two-dimensional crystals on an industrial scale and at competitive costs.

The graphene it is widely recognized for its revolutionary potential in a wide range of industries, including energy storage and conversion, smart fabrics, paints, coatings and composite materials. Its most promising application is in battery technology, where it has already been shown to play a crucial role in stabilizing silicon-dominated anodes.

The graphene-based batteriesBy improving the life cycle and maximizing the capacity of new generation anodes, they offer substantial advantages over traditional technologies, such as higher specific capacity and faster charging speeds. These advances should strongly incentivize the adoption of electric vehicles and therefore significantly contribute to the decarbonisation of transport also with a view to achieving the EU’s environmental objectives.
