Egg crisis in the United States – asks the Nordic countries for help

Egg crisis in the United States asks the Nordic

In recent months, the price of eggs has been soaring in the United States. The causes are several.

As in Sweden, food prices in the United States have been affected by inflation. Despite the president Donald Trump Promised to remedy prices from “Day one”, food prices remain at the same levels as before.

In the United States, however, an outbreak of bird flu has reduced egg production sharply. Due to the increasingly acute deficiency, two other countries have now been used for help: Denmark and Finland.

Jørgen Nyberg LarsenSector manager for the industry organization Danske æg, confirms for Danish TV 2 that suddenly a very short email came from the US Ministry of Agriculture, the USDA. The Ministry wanted to know if Denmark could increase its egg exports to the United States.

Unfortunately, Nyberg Larsen at Danske æg sees several obstacles. One of these is all the requirements placed on eggs in the United States but not in Denmark.

– Our deliveries will not be able to solve the problem in the United States, he tells The channel.

The same question has asked the US Ministry of Agriculture Finland. But even there are other requirements for eggs than the requirements that exist in the United States.

Since it has not previously been negotiated to sell eggs to the United States, the poultry producers in Finland could not give any straight answer, something as the business manager Veera Lehtilä Confirming for EPN.
