Egan Bernal will return to the Tour de France

The joy of Colombian Egan Bernal, winner of the Tour de France, on July 28, 2019 on the podium at the Champs-Elysées in Paris
The joy of Colombian Egan Bernal, winner of the Tour de France, on July 28, 2019 on the podium at the Champs-Elysées in Paris Anne-Christine POUJOULAT AFP / Archives

Egan Bernal will run the Tour de France again in 2022 after favoring and winning the Tour of Italy in 2021, the Colombian announced in an interview with a newspaper in his country. “ It is clear that we will focus all our preparation and our efforts in thinking of running the Tour de France this year. », Said the winner of the 2019 edition, aged 24, to Mundo Ciclistico. In 2020, Bernal was forced to retire during the Tour due to back pain. “ It’s time to get back on the path of 2019, from which we strayed a bit », Continued the only South American winner of the Tour.

