Effects of the Full Moon on Mood: Are You Moon-Sensitive?

Effects of the Full Moon on Mood Are You Moon Sensitive

Many people feel more upset or depressed as the full moon approaches. What are the effects of the full moon on mood? Can it cause anxiety attacks? Act on stress? We talk to an expert.

Restless sleep, painful periods, tenfold libido, depression… As the full moon approaches, some people say they are more tired and irritable than usual. This is called the moon-sensitivity. In question, the radiation of the Moon which is more intense during the full moon. This lunar phase takes place when the Sun, Earth and Moon are nearly aligned. This means that the Moon rises when the Sun sets and sets when the Sun rises.

“The phenomenon of the attraction of the Moon by the Earth and of the Earth by the Moon implies that the Moon has an action on all living and non-living beings on our planet. It is therefore normal that the movements of the Moon have an influence on our behavior and our mood. During the full moon, we records more aggressiveness, fights, accidents, earthquakes“, says Paul Ferris.

With the Full Moon impacting our behavior, sleep, and mood, it makes sense that it could also have an impact on our stress level. To the extent that thewe sleep less well on full moon nights, and that lack of sleep promotes stress and is associated with greater difficulty in managing emotions, it is very likely that the full moon increases stress.

No scientific study has demonstrated a causal link between the full moon and the occurrence of anxiety attacks. But maybe by dint of thinking about it, we end up becoming anxious…

If the full moon has an influence on our behavior, it is also known to boost libido. On full moon evenings, our feelings are increased tenfold, in one direction or the other. We can be more in love, or on the contrary, be more prone to marital disputes. It multiplies our feelings, we make more love but also more romantic encounters. “On full moon evenings, we drink more alcohol. However, from the moment we are less inhibited, we will take more risks, be more open, more enterprising. Everything is amplified!”comments Paul Ferris.

“Seeking to combat the effects of the full moon is useless. It would be like trying to prevent an earthquake! On the other hand, if we have a certain sensitivity to the effects of the full moon, we can decide to give ourselves time, attention, to do things that contribute to our well-being”, advocates Paul Ferris.

Thanks to Paul Ferris, author of the Guide to the Moon 2021 published by Marabout.
