Eemeli Lassila, 17, was in the TET training at the top club’s office a year ago – now she can play for the representative team!

Eemeli Lassila 17 was in the TET training at the

Vimpelin Veto was a rude host for the Pattijoki Athletes in the Baseball Men’s Superpesis on Sunday. PattU’s indoor game was bored by Vedo’s Superpesis debutant, Eemeli Lassila, who was only 17 years old.

Known a great promise a year ago Eemeli Lassila spent a working life in the Vimpel Veto office. Lassila arranged various things at the office, added Vedo’s Superpesis matches to the club’s website and marked seats reserved in the Saarikentä auditorium.

Lassila, who was in ninth grade at the time, and also a catcher in tet training Arttu Isoranta said Bet on the website (you switch to another service) wanting to play for the men’s Superpesis team. However, Lassila did not believe that it would only take a year for her dream to come true.

– It didn’t even occur to me, Lassila admitted.

Lassila received a phone call on Wednesday telling him that it is possible that he would play against the Pattijoki Athletes on Sunday. On Friday, the 17-year-old junior received confirmation that he will play the No. 1 locker Teemu Kinnusen in exchange for.

– Well, the game was won 2-0, so of course there are good feelings. My own game was still going well, so what was it, the young man chatted after the game, but admitted that there was a little extra excitement involved in the match.

– I tried to focus on the game just like any other game. Before the game, of course, a little tense, but the probe keeps your head cool and focus only on the next moment. I had enough days to prepare for this.

The first beat of his career in debut

Lassila did a great job in the match, as PattU only made four runs in the match, while Veto made as many as 17 runs. However, Lassila thanked Veto for playing the inside game of PattU.

– We had an outdoor game really good, we just had to pass bad passes to the opponent, and then the outdoor court took care of the rest. The game went better than I had thought. I thought the tension would spoil a little, but it didn’t affect me.

Lassila also managed to beat the first Superpesis race of his career in his debut match, when his second-round hit was as desired and Mikko Vihriälä got home with this blow.

There are several Lassila in Vimpel’s Veto. Aleksi Lassila is Eemel ‘s big brother, but To Severi Lassilalle At least Eemeli is not a close relative, even though they live next door. Severi Lassila hit four runs and one runner-up against PattU, while Aleksi Lassila brought two.

I hope to have a couple more games this season

This season Lassila has played mostly in the B-boys in Vetelin Pesis and in the Finnish team of Vimpelin Veto. Although Lassila was no surprise in the Superpesis match, he admitted the differences between the Finnish series and Superpesis.

– In Super, progresses are faster. Anyway, the punches are stronger and the pace of the game is faster.

Now that Lassila has got one goal off his list, his next goal is to establish his place in Superpesis, preferably, of course, in the breeder’s club Vedo. And it would be nice to win the Finnish championship sometimes.

– We have a good team in the B-boys, so if it could get medals. And if Super could get a couple more matches even this season, he wondered.

Vimpel will have the next match next Wednesday against the Koskenkorva Athletes. Whether Lassila was with the team at the time, she still couldn’t say.

– It may be possible for me to play, but it may also be possible for me not to play. It’s up to the game manager to choose, he said.
