EELV says stop to the investigation of his companion without any conclusion

EELV says stop to the investigation of his companion without

The executive office of EELV has decided to “close the file” concerning the questioning of Julien Bayou by his ex-companion, who invoked psychological violence. Without drawing any conclusions.

[Mis à jour le 1er février 2023 à 16h45] New twist in the Bayou affair: the investigation carried out by the cell on sexual violence at EELV will not go any further. The party published a press release to report on the inability of the executive office to comment on the accusations made by the former companion of Julien Bayou. “The cell is required to scrupulously respect the protocol, the terms of which are public. This protocol was established with the support and expertise of specialized and recognized associations on the subject”, can we read on the document.

The party indicates that the work of the people responsible for hearing the parties involved in these suspicions of violence against women could not be carried out as planned. “At the end of June 2022, the cell was made the recipient of an email from Julien Bayou’s ex-girlfriend implicating the latter. No one else contacted the cell about Julien Bayou. The conditions for the application of the protocol could not be found and the initial hearing, the starting point of the investigation, could not take place. Unable to carry out its investigation, the cell decided to close this case”.

Julien Bayou, challenged by an ex-companion last fall, had stepped back by resigning from the presidency of his party and the presidency of his parliamentary group in the National Assembly.
