Edward Blom’s criticism of Swedes’ barbecue habits: “Mistake”

Edward Bloms criticism of Swedes barbecue habits Mistake

Edward Blom has become the whole of Sweden’s favorite gastronome, and a popular TV profile. He is often seen in various programs, and has also released several books. Blom thus has solid knowledge of food and drink, and is happy to share his cooking on social media.

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Edward Blom is married to Gunilla Kinn

Since 2011, Edward Blom has been married to Gunilla Kinnand the couple have the children Melchior, Wilhelmina and Zacharias. In an interview with Amelia, Edward Blom has previously told whether the couple keeps the spark alive.

– My chosen language in life is “devotion”, and that is almost the same thing as passion. That what you do, you do passionately. Everything will be more fun then. This applies to food, but also love and sex, of course. And religion of course, it is from Christianity that the word “passion” comes. Being dispassionately religious is completely pointless, Blom has said Amelia.

Edward Blom. Photo: Stella Pictures

DO NOT MISS: Edward Blom’s wife and children – that’s how he met Gunilla Kinn

Edward Blom’s barbecue tips: “The most common mistake is…”

During the holidays, many Swedes have dusted off the grill for the season. But there are certain traps to watch out for when throwing a piece of meat on the grill, at least if you ask Edward Blom.

Nyheter24 met Edward Blom at the premiere of Circus Brazil Jack. Photo: Stella Pictures

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For News24 tells Edward Blom about which is the most common mistake he sees when Swedes grill and are about to offer a meal.

– The most common mistake is that they over-grill, that everything becomes dry. When Germans grill pork, for example, they let it have a slightly pink core and it is much tastier. Whereas when Swedes grill, it often happens that they tend to burn everything. Americans run this long barbecue, but on the other hand it is a low heat and indirect grilling. But many Swedes overcook so it becomes overcooked, says Edward Blom and adds:

– And number two, they don’t have enough pli on the guests so it gets cold before they start eating. You really need the guests to be seated when you start grilling.

Even the celebrity chef Tommy Myllymäki has shared a common mistake Swedes make when it comes to grilling, something you can read more about here…

DO NOT MISS: Tommy Myllymäki: Here is the mistake Swedes make when grilling
