Education, Senate approves the reform of technical-professional institutes

Education Senate approves the reform of technical professional institutes

(Finance) – Commission VII of Senate approved the government bill that reforms technical-professional education with the introduction of new 4+2 model. The bill will be scheduled in the chamber immediately after the budget law at the beginning of 2024. The refpra provides for the reduction of one year in the study cycle (from 45 to 4 years) to which others are added 2 years of Higher Technical Institute (ITS).

“I thank the President of the Education Commission, Roberto Marti, the rapporteur, Ella Bucalo, the Undersecretary Paola Frassinetti, the entire parliamentary majority and the Regions for the important work that has been done in this fundamental stage in the bill approval process. Thanks also to those opposition forces who collaborated constructively on the reform”, declared the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara.

“It is an important first step in the redevelopment of technical and professional institutes”, agreed Paola Frassinetti, undersecretary of the Ministry of Education and Merit, explaining that “there will be a greater interaction with businesses and the possibility of establishing gods real campuses to create training centers linked to the specific needs of the territories. The priority objective of this Government is to obtain increasingly qualified diplomas for our students that allow them to easily find employment”.

“This is an ambitious reform – added the Minister – much awaited by schools and the productive world and in which this government strongly believes. We’ll have one A-level technical and professional training chain, thanks to the strengthening of basic disciplines and the increase in laboratory and professional ones; will be the connection between school and business is strongera lot of focus will also be placed oninternationalization and on the research”.

“Our objective is that young people have the adequate preparation to find a qualified job more quickly and that companies have the professionalism necessary to be competitive. Let’s enhance the extraordinary human capital represented by our young people, let’s give the country the chance to run”, concluded Valditara.
