Édouard Philippe: his candidacy for the “next” presidential election, a hard blow for Emmanuel Macron

Edouard Philippe his candidacy for the next presidential election a

While France has no Prime Minister, Édouard Philippe announced Tuesday evening to Le Point his candidacy for the next presidential election. A hard blow for Emmanuel Macron

This is what we call having a sense of timing. Tuesday, September 3, 2024, while the French are longing to know their next Prime Minister, left in a limbo assumed by the President of the Republic since the result of the early legislative elections that took place two months earlier, the former tenant of Matignon came out of the woodwork. In the columns of PointÉdouard Philippe soberly announced: “I will be a candidate in the next presidential election.” A rather unwelcome statement?

It’s all a matter of perspective. Édouard Philippe officially revealed a year and a half ago that he was “preparing[ait]” at this future deadline. It is therefore not the announcement which was, it seems, important, but the moment chosen to make it… And what could be better for the one who assures our colleagues of the Point working towards “major, systemic changes” rather than formalising his ambition while perfect chaos reigns in French politics and all eyes are on his former post as Prime Minister?

Philippe in the starting blocks in the event of an… early presidential election?

In these troubled times when the majority and the opposition are struggling to separate themselves, as each wants to put their soldier at the head of the next government, Édouard Philippe is ignoring current events. Taking a step back, he presents himself to French people often overwhelmed by the interminable political discussions of this new school year as a clear and calm voice, capable of restoring the order they so desire in 2027, while explicitly announcing his ambitions for the Élysée. “I am preparing to propose things to the French. What I will propose will be massive. The French will decide”, Édouard Philippe declares in his interview.

It was also a perfect opportunity for the man who is currently one of the French people’s favourite political figures to take Laurent Wauquiez and, more generally, his former Republican family by surprise. Busy deciding their position on the next government – will they be on the side of the supporters or the opposition? – the latter seem to have been given priority. Unless, after the rushed legislative elections at the beginning of the summer, Édouard Philippe is preparing for another surprise that only Emmanuel Macron knows the secret to, such as his… resignation? To the question of Point : “Are you ready? Including in the event of an early presidential election?” Édouard Philippe does not hesitate and even answers point blank: “I confirm it to you.”

A way for Edouard Philippe, in the new political situation that is being adjusted, to send a clear message: he will propose a clear political offer, which he will carry no matter what. This is in reality a hard blow for Emmanuel Macron. Why? Because his former Prime Minister, who did not warn him of this interview, formalizes the idea that a resignation of the Head of State is entirely possible, given the political crisis. Edouard Philippe sets the little music that was until now only played by the opposition: if no government can maintain itself, if the political parties or deputies do not find an agreement, one of the solutions may fall to the President of the Republic, by presenting his resignation.
