Edison, Antitrust fine of 3.8 million. Company rejects accusations: transparent communication has always been adopted

Edison sells stake in Reggane Nord in Algeria

(Finance) – The Antitrust has established a fine of 3.8 million euros Edison Energy for unfair business practices. You can read it in the Authority’s weekly bulletin.

The proceeding – we read – is in relation “to the activity of promotion and sale of energy and gas supply services provided on the free market, with reference to the lack of transparency and completeness of the economic conditions of supply represented on its website https: //www.edisonenergia.it and through other advertising distribution channels, with specific reference to the existence and quantification of the costs applicable to users, such as in particular the marketing costs and the system of discounts and economic advantages”.

Edison’s answer
With reference to the sanction by the Competition and Market Authority, regarding the conduct implemented by Edison Energia for the promotion of its commercial offers, the Company reiterates that it “always adopted a transparent communication and comprehensive on all channels and advertising materials used in full compliance with consumer rights”. To them – he explains Edison in a note – “clear and exhaustive information was guaranteed on the characteristics of each promotion and, in particular, on the relative costs and economic advantages, as well as on the methods and conditions of application of the bonuses and discounts provided for them”.

The Company “believes that the Authority’s provision raises objections of an exclusively ‘formal’ nature to the messages circulated on Edison Energia’s marketing channels, without providing any assessment and related reasons for the alleged infringement of consumers’ rights”.

Therefore, “Edison Energia rejects the responsibility attributed to it and reserves the right to take any action a own protectiontrusting to be able to demonstrate its non-involvement in the facts contested before the competent authorities”.
