EdiliziAcrobatica, shareholders ok with a dividend of 0.8 euro per share

EdiliziAcrobatica shareholders ok with a dividend of 08 euro per

(Finance) – The shareholders’ meeting of BuildingAcrobaticsa company specializing in double safety rope construction works, in the ordinary session, approved a further distribution in favor of its shareholders of an extraordinary cash dividend, with a ceiling of Euro 6,588,548, equal to Euro 0.8 for each ordinary share representing the share capital, gross of withholding taxes and based on the “2021” retained earnings reserve.

The total amount of the dividend is to be understood as of an ordinary nature from a stock exchange point of view, as it applies to the balance sheet result as at 31 December 2021.

The ex-date of the dividend will be 3 April 2023, the date of entitlement to receive the dividend (so-called record date), 4 April 2023, while the payment date of the dividend (so-called payment date) is scheduled for April 5, 2023.
