Edane companies increased their sales by over 20 percent last year

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

She is the fourth generation to run the 105-year-old family-owned industrial company that manufactures cold and freezer rooms in Edane. A few years ago, they had the opportunity to participate in the project Sustainable export westra Wermland, which developed the company according to Anna Holmgren.

– From 2021 to 2022, sales increased by SEK nine million, which corresponds to 22 percent.

Budget of 9.5 million for the project

In the project, which started in May 2020 and runs until August this year, companies receive support in the areas of sales, digital visibility, sustainability and leadership, among other things. It has a budget of close to SEK 9.5 million and is financed with EU funds and money from Region Värmland, the municipalities of Säffle, Arvika and Årjäng as well as the local business community,

– It is important for the municipality that we get growth in the companies and more jobs, says Jonas Andersson, business developer in Arvika municipality.

In the clip above, he talks about how many jobs the project has provided so far and Anna Holmgren tells more about the development at Finnebäcks.
