Economy of Things, Vodafone launches the Digital Asset Broker (DAB) platform

Economy of Things Vodafone launches the Digital Asset Broker DAB

(Finance) – Vodafone today launched a new global platform that takes the world of connected devices to the next level by allowing them to transact with each other on behalf of a user in total security. It is – announces Vodafone in a note – of one new global platform of “Economy of Things”, the next generation of the Internet of Things, a world where companies from various sectors can transform physical assets into marketable digital assets to compete in new online markets.

Digital Asset Broker (DAB), this is the name of the new platform, it is based on the Vodafon IoT platformand – one of the largest in the world with over 140 million connected IoT devices – and will help Vodafone customers benefit from the new “economy of things”.

The platform uses the blockchain technology: all devices and machines connected to Vodafone DAB are verified as reliable and therefore authorized to exchange data and money over secure and encrypted connections. Companies can thus launch new products that are quickly “certified” as secure, and the devices are ready to transact in real time.

The service was announced today with a experiment in which a connected electric vehicle communicates autonomously and safely with a charging point in Newbury, UK. Drivers receive real-time information on the status and compatibility of the nearest available charging point and can authorize their vehicle to recharge without effort, thus eliminating – explains Vodafone – autonomy anxiety, i.e. the fear of running out of battery. and they can also consciously choose renewable electricity suppliers.

Several business opportunity that open: from a rental car that recharges motorists in pay-as-you-drive or subscription mode, to smart meters. In the future, it may also be possible for coffee machines to automatically order refills or for a street lamp to exchange data on traffic flows with other connected objects in a smart city.
