Economic difficulties among single parents with low income

The financial situation for single parents with low income has deteriorated over time. Among other things, 29 percent of single parents with low incomes say they had difficulty eating, an increase of nine percentage points compared to 2024.

This shows a survey conducted by the veran on behalf of the Tenants Association, Majblomman and Save the Children.

– Many of them are full -time working but can’t handle the economy. You cannot afford to put food on the table, you refrain from eating yourself, says Marie Linder, Federation Chairman Tenants Association, and continues:

– There are also many people who also have a tough situation when it comes to children’s leisure activities, you can’t afford it. This shows the economic gap that exists in our society.

Leisure activities become too expensive

The survey also shows that 58 percent of single parents with low income have had financial difficulties in paying for leisure activities to the children.

– It is extremely worrying. It has to do with anxiety and anxiety and exclusion and public health. That as a child and youth you can take part in activities, says Åse Henell, secretary general of the May flower.

Want to see raised child allowance

The various organizations now propose several measures, including increased child support.

– We see, for example, that those who have such small margins that you can’t even afford food, of course, cannot afford to enable meaningful leisure time for their children. It can be something as simple as access to public transport in order to get to their football training or other activity, says Ulrika Modéer, secretary general of the Swedish Red Cross and continues:

– The rental costs and housing allowances also see we need to be reviewed, so that there are opportunities to meet this difficult situation and make sure that the community is not further disassembled.
