Ecomondo, Gentiloni: “Future belongs to clean energy, accelerate”

Ecomondo Gentiloni Future belongs to clean energy accelerate

(Finance) – To accelerate the development of renewable energy “we need to leverage private capital, but public investments will have to play an important role. A strong impetus comes from the NRP, but more national investments and new budgetary rules are needed to favor them, which are part of our proposals for the revision of the Stability and Growth Pact that I will present tomorrow “. This was stated by the European Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Paolo Gentiloni, in a video message sent on the occasion of the opening of the general states of the green economy a Ecomondo.

“Italy – added Gentiloni – can play a leading role if it is able to make the most of the opportunities of the NRP and free the country’s potential”. To support “families and businesses”the states should, according to the European commissioner, ask for “a solidarity contribution based on the extra profits of companies operating in the fossil fuel sector”.

Gentiloni also wanted to send a clear message: “The future belongs to clean energies: accelerating their diffusion is one of our priorities” and for this reason “we have proposed more stringent objectives” that “will require additional and important investments: over 500 billion a year between now and the next few years”.

Meanwhile, the green light from the European Commission for the second payment of funds to Italyequal to 21 billion euros, on the implementation of the Italian National Plan for Recovery and Resilience (Pnrr). “Today the second payment of the Italian NRP. 21 billion. Reforms and investments for the environment, innovation and social issues. With the advance and the first payment we are at 67 billion, half of the total disbursed by NextGeneration. For Italy the great challenge continues “, this is Gentiloni’s comment in a message via Twitter.
