Ecomondo and Key Energy 2022: 32 start-ups for energy and environmental sustainability

IEG Ecomondo and Key Energy 2022 its time for Green

(Finance) – Ecomondo And Key Energy present to the market 32 start ups and scale ups. Aerospace at the service of environmental redevelopment, 3D printers that repopulate coral reefs, smart urban apiaries and intelligent systems that help optimize the consumption of household appliances. An in-depth path among the most innovative circular startups in a long virtual journey that crosses the whole boot, from Trentino-Alto Adige to Sicily, to present new services to investors and companies within the Start-up & Scale area- up Innovation 2022.

Innovationresearch to improve the efficiency of existing technologies and to transform waste into value by reducing the impact on the environment, this is the lowest common denominator of start-ups that Italian Exhibition Group, ICE And ART-ER (Territorial Research Attractiveness), the Emilia-Romagna Consortium Society wanted within Start Up & Scale Up Innovation, the exhibition area located in the South Hall of the Rimini exhibition center, from 8 to 11 November, designed for offer the widest visibility to new entrepreneurial realities, encouraging the sharing of know how and positioning them as a primary interlocutor in product development in the green sector at national and international level.

Four of these address, with different approaches, to the world aquatic: Sea the Changefrom Modena, winks at ethical tourism by offering travelers the opportunity to reduce and compensate for the environmental impact of their holiday by investing in sustainable projects concerning marine ecosystems; Athena Green Solutions of Messina, with its ArgiNaRe patent, is proposed as a solution to problems deriving from activities with a high environmental impact, with particular reference to marine and coastal pollution; the early stage company Seabreath of Prato is instead engaged in the development of the nearshore prototype of a new wave energy production system while the Pisan D-shape Poseidonia has developed a 3D printer capable of replicating the structures of coral reefs using the sandstone present in the underwater site for which they are intended: precious tools both to limit coastal erosion due to wave motion, and to facilitate fish repopulation of the seabed.

Continuing on the route of the ‘architectures natural‘, after the artificial corals come the hi-tech hives of ACME21, a Ravenna-based startup that launched Beeing, B-BOX to approach urban beekeeping in a safe and simple way, or join the program for the adoption of responsibly managed hives.

To the theme of the mobility the Bari-based Pin Bike is dedicated, with its anti-fraud system, patented and certifying, which guarantees an entity (municipality, company or an educational institution) the possibility of issuing kilometer incentives for the use of bicycles, scooters and carpooling, and Parkforfun in Venice with its multilingual B2C e-commerce platform to reduce traffic for finding a parking space by 30%. LIF energy is instead focused on the creation of analysis tools for the management of hydrogen production, in particular that obtained from renewable sources, ie green hydrogen.

L’energy efficiency is the focus of Augea Energia from Rimini, Veos Digital from Milan with its artificial intelligence algorithms for the Energy world which, by disaggregating domestic electricity consumption, identify the consumption of each household appliance with a saving in the bill of 15-20%, and MACS from Palermo, which through a management protocol allows to certify the technical (consumption reduction) and economic (cost reduction) reporting.

Mama Science and Compopack are from Bologna, the only two companies in this exhibition area that offer bioeconomy circular: the first by making products based on advanced biomaterials and obtained through synthetic methods, the second by providing consultancy and machinery for the production of compostable (organically biodegradable) material in the packaging sector.

The monitoring of the air quality is the mission common to the French, and to the Roman NDV International (exclusive agency in Italy of Airlabs), specialized in street level surveys, while the services carried out by NETF DRONE concern inspections and monitoring activities with the use of industrial drones in the civil, industrial and agricultural sectors.

All ‘building TimelapseLab Mantua and its smart industrial devices for remote management of construction sites using proprietary software turn to. Different origins, but the same reference sector for the thirty Archibudget which focuses on doors and windows and accessories for the building, improving the process of choice and configuration of products and, through the Reusedesk platform, promoting the use of unused products in stock in warehouse. The Nest, a Milanese company that owns software and patents all dedicated to the circular economy, and the French Lixo, specialized in waste management and enhancement, which uses image sensors and visual recognition algorithms, to allow waste management actors to understand the composition of waste streams, select and recycle them in the best possible way.

Remaining within the scope of the management of waste products, in Bologna, Circular Technologies focuses on the circular ICT market; the electronic devices of Optimon, of Varese, make it possible to improve and optimize the processes regarding the monitoring of waste collection activities, while the increase in the recovery of energy and raw materials from waste materials is the main area of ​​competence of K -INN TECH, a Padua-based company that proposes and develops experimental and modeling technical consultancy studies for companies in the chemical, energy and environmental sectors.

King Open offers a platform of services dedicated to all those who are looking for a general contractor for the integrated management of their waste; specifically designed for the needs of rural realities, the software developed by BEAWaRe, allows you to cut waste collection costs by up to 50%; Finally, the reuse of plastics is the core business of Turin-based Plastiz, an innovative startup with a social vocation, which caters to both B2B and B2C and supplies semi-finished products in high quality recycled plastic with a high aesthetic value for the production of products and fittings eco-sustainable.

For the section dedicated to solar And storagealso in the South Hall, Flash Innovation, Ravenna, presents Arcostop, a patented system for detecting electric arcs in direct current to mitigate the onset of fires in photovoltaic systems and storage batteries, while from Israel comes Solar Drone, which presents its systems for cleaning solar panels.
