Ecology: avoid eco-anxiety with the Alternatiba Climate Camp

Ecology avoid eco anxiety with the Alternatiba Climate Camp

In early July, a Climate Camp organized by the environmental association Alternatiba brought together several hundred people in Villeurbanne, near Lyon. Local environmental activists and sympathizers took advantage of these three days to learn more about the fight against global warming. It was also an opportunity for participants to share a little optimism to avoid sinking into eco-anxiety.

When you arrive at Camp Climat, you enter a huge, very shaded park with lots of trees. At the four corners of the place, there are tents that are set up for training, workshops, round tables. There is one with a somewhat curious name called Voyage en 2030 Glorieuses: “ I am Romane and I lead the 2030 Glorieuses workshop, which is a prospective workshop, where the idea is to project oneself, to travel within a more desirable future to define objectives, and therefore a trajectory to be implemented. place to make the world a little better. In my circle of friends, I am often the greenest of the greens. I feel like a big terrorist. They say : “How come there is no sausage?” Now, meeting people who are like me really reassures me and it’s super positive. »

My name is Tatiana Guille and I am the spokesperson for the Alternatiba collective at ANV Rhône. It is a collective that fights for social justice and the climate. The Climate Camps are moments of training for activists or for people who want to discover the environment. About 500 people are expected over the three days. And also people for the evening concerts. We want to be able to show that there are other things that are possible. With ecology, we also have the right to live in another system. You have to be really festive, you have to be joyful. »

This is the second day of this Climate Camp. It’s Saturday, so there are more people than yesterday and then also different profiles who are not necessarily activists on a daily basis: ” We have children who are activists and who move us. We want to understand what is happening, to understand this ferment of youth that I find very interesting. To convince people who are not convinced, you have to find positive things to say to them. »

Today’s round table was a round table on how to mobilize collectives to act locally. If we look at planet and climate issues from a macro angle, there is every reason to be worried. So, acting locally is a way of doing simple, very concrete things and it’s just great. »

Acting concretely, getting involved, these are undoubtedly the keys to combating eco-anxiety.

Read alsoEco-anxiety: when global warming worries
