Ecofriendly: which European country is the most eco-responsible?

Ecofriendly which European country is the most eco responsible

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    What do Slovenia, Denmark and Finland have in common? According to the Savoo site, these are the three European countries where people are most likely to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle.

    Some countries have adopted laws and measures to accelerate their sustainable transition policy, with direct consequences on the way of life of citizens. So even within Europe, eco-responsible habits vary from country to country. In order to get an idea of ​​these “eco-cultural” differences, the English platform Savoo has screened 30 European countries and established a top 10 of the most eco-responsible countries – as well as those which are the least.

    A European ranking

    To realize this ranking, the platform relied on the official report of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN, taking into account several specific elements such as:

    • The recycling rate;
    • Annual waste production per household;
    • Reducing the carbon footprint linked to consumption.

    The survey also took other criteria into account, such as the number of points of sale per country that offer second-hand items (flea markets, thrift stores, etc.).

    And it is still in the north of the continent that we find the top of the class: Finland which tops the ranking, followed by Denmark. The first country obtains this place thanks to the carbon footprint of consumption of its inhabitants which was reduced by 20.37% between 2010 and 2020.

    Denmark is said to be the champion of recycling (53.9% of this country’s waste was recycled in 2020) and obtains the best score in the ranking in this area. Slovenia, which is known for its ecological commitment, stands out for its “lowest of all countries” figure of household waste per inhabitant (about 34 kg each year). She thus takes third place in the ranking.

    On the side of the bad students, we find Malta, Ireland and Greece. Surprising fact: France does not find its place in any category! The Savoo survey, which reveals other rankings, however ranks Paris and Bordeaux in the top 10 of French cities “most inclined to adopt eco-responsible consumption practices”.

    The top 10 most eco-responsible countries

    Here is the complete top 10 of European countries where consumers are the most eco-responsible:

    1. Finland
    2. Denmark
    3. Slovenia
    4. Austria
    5. Sweden
    6. UK
    7. Netherlands
    8. Belgium
    9. Spain
    10. Germany
