Eclipse Solar 2025: at what time, where and how to observe it in France?

Eclipse Solar 2025 at what time where and how to

The sun, the moon and the earth will be aligned perfectly on Saturday March 29, 2025, offering the show of a partial solar eclipse in France.

A partial eclipse of Sun will be visible in Europe and partially in France this Saturday, March 29, 2025, a little before noon. However, it will not be visible in the same way according to the cities of France, depending on the obscuration rate. Indeed, it was to the northwest of the country that the partial eclipse will be the most visible. Unlike the lunar eclipse, it will be imperative to be equipped with special glasses to observe it.

What is the percentage of occultation according to the City of France where you are? How to explain the solar, total or partial eclipse phenomenon? What are the next eclipses in France and in the world? Everything in the folder below.

Where and at what time see the solar eclipse of March 29?

The Sun Eclipse of March 29, 2025 will be visible in France partially, masking only 9.9 % of the surface of the sun in Nice while in Brest, the surface will be covered by 32.5 %. Here is the percentage of concealment of the solar eclipse according to the city where you were (IMCCE data):

  • Paris : 23.5% obscure by the moon with a maximum at 12:03 pm (Paris time).
  • Brest :: 32.5% Occultation by the Moon with a maximum at 11:55 am (Paris time).
  • Lille : 25% occultation by the moon with a maximum at 12:06 pm (Paris time).
  • Lyon : 15.7% occultation by the moon with a maximum at 11:59 am (Paris time).
  • Bordeaux : 22 % concealment by the moon with a maximum at 11:51 am (Paris time).
  • Biarritz : 21.6 % Occultation by the Moon with a maximum at 11:48 am (Paris time).
  • Marseille : 11.7% obscure by the moon with a maximum at 11:57 am (Paris time).
  • Toulouse : 17.4% OCCULTATION BY THE Moon with a maximum at 11:51 am (Paris time).
  • Strasbourg : 16 % obscure by the moon with a maximum at 12:08 p.m. (Paris time).
  • Nice : 9.9 % occultation by the moon with a maximum at 11:59 am (Paris time).

To observe a solar eclipse with the naked eye, it is imperative to wear special glasses. Classic sunglasses are not sufficient to protect the retina. During the eclipse, with the drop in brightness, pupils will tend to expand. As the sun reappears suddenly, lesions of the serious retina can occur. These burns are not painful, so it is necessary to be wary of it. Types of the type watch the eclipse through a CD or through smoked glass are not effective. To protect your eyes and make the most of the eclipse, go to an astronomy club where you can observe the eclipse indirectly by projection. The simplest solution: make a small hole in a box, direct it towards the sun and observe the projected eclipse. Note that glasses to observe the safe eclipse are available for around 2 euros in certain opticians, pharmacies or specialized stores as a nature and discovery. It is also possible to buy them in shopping centers or order them on the internet.

What is a partial solar eclipse?

A partial eclipse of the sun takes place when the alignment earth-moon-sun is not perfect, when the moon passes slightly above or below the alignment-sun. The moon only hides a piece of the sun, which is not enough to completely darken the sky. “To start having a feeling of darkness in the sky, to perceive a kind of cold light, it takes at least 95% obscuration of the sun,” said Florent Deleflie, astronomer at the Paris Observatory. This astronomical phenomenon of partial sun eclipse, which occurs when the sun, the moon and the earth are imperfectly aligned, does not assum the sky and is observable only with protections adequate, under penalty of “irreversible retinal burns, “warns Florent Deleflie, from the Paris Observatory.

What is a total solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse occurs when the earth, the moon and the sun are perfectly aligned in the same plane. The moon then projects its shadow on the earth, thus masking the sun, and plunging part of our planet in the dark the space of a few minutes.

The earth revolves around the sun in a plane called “Plan of the ecliptic”. The moon on its side revolves around the earth in another plane. Thus, at the new moonwhen our satellite is located between the earth and the sun, it is generally not aligned perfectly with them. This is why there is no solar eclipse with each new moon. Exceptionally, all the conditions are met: earth, moon and sun are aligned in this order in terms of the ecliptic. There is then a solar eclipse.

When does the next solar eclipse fall in France?

The following solar eclipse visible in France will still be partial. We can observe it on the following date: the August 12, 2026according to LIMCCE.

When will the next total solar eclipse take place in France?

Rarious phenomenon, a total solar eclipse occurs only when the sun, the moon and the earth are aligned perfectly. French amateurs of astronomy will have to be patient. The next total solar eclipse in France will take place the September 3, 2081followed closely by a second eclipse complete on September 29, 2090. In the meantime, it will still be possible to see the moon partially obscure the sun.
