Echo Pros Reveal “The Most Creative Strategy Ever”

At the dungeon tournament in World of Warcraft, the pros at Echo pulled off a crazy trick – something that all teams will probably do from now on.

The Dungeon Tournament is currently taking place in World of Warcraft. The best teams in the world often keep special tricks and tricks up their sleeves in order to get through a dungeon particularly efficiently. Now the professionals at Echo have quite surprised everyone and performed a trick so complex in one of the dungeons that you can only take your hat off to it.

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What kind of tournament is this? The MDI is the “Mythic Dungeon International”. Here, teams from all over the world can qualify and try to overcome increasingly difficult “Mythic+” dungeons – in as little time as possible.

What did Echo do? The trick was performed in the Murozond’s Rising dungeon. Not only does he require extremely good knowledge of the dungeon, but also a perfectly prepared party (all must be night elves) and a good understanding of the mechanics of all enemies, including their “reset” mechanics.

The trick brings a wormhole directly from Timelost Battlefield to Morchie’s Arena – a direct connection between the second and third bosses of the dungeon.

How did Echo do that? This was made possible by the “Infinite Riftmage” mobs. These enemies can be found on the large, sand-covered platform after the first boss. There are only 4 of these enemies and two of them each connect the locations of their death with a wormhole. Actually, you can only shorten a few meters because you can’t take these enemies with you to other places – but Echo managed to do that.

Two of the Riftmage mobs must be killed in advance to unlock the dungeon’s normal portals. At the same time, these portals cannot be used while you are in combat. Therefore, Echo’s entire party is made up of night elves in order to get the Shadow Mimic racial ability, which gives you stealth and leaves combat.

Here’s how Echo did it:

  • Everyone attacks one of the two Infinite Riftmages. Once his HP is low, the three DPS characters run to the portal and use Shadow Mimicry to quickly run to the Timelost Battlefield.
  • In the Timelost Arena they use a summoning ritual from the Warlock.
  • At the same time, the healer uses shadow mimicry and uses the other portal to run to Morchie’s arena. Since the healer came out of the fight through shadow mimicry, but his DoTs were still active, he is immediately “in the fight” with the Riftmage.
  • Once everyone is in position, the tank flees and uses its own shadow mimicry.
  • Since the Riftmage is now only in combat with the healer, who is on a different platform, the “snapping” mechanic now applies. After a few seconds of dodging, the Riftmage teleports to the healer, who kills it instantly. The first wormhole is created in Morchie’s arena.
  • The healer can now be summoned by the DPS players using a warlock portal.
  • The tank now waits for its group to summon it to them. Shortly before he accepts the summoning, as a demon hunter he places a seal under the remaining rift magician. Since the seal only explodes after the tank has already accepted the summon, the “snapping” mechanic comes into play again, causing the Riftmage to land on the Time-Lost Battlefield!
  • Now everyone destroys the remaining Riftmage together, meaning there is now a direct wormhole connection between the battlefield and Morchie’s arena.
  • Then they use the seal trick again to pull the trash mobs from the battlefield to Morchie and defeat the boss together with the trash to save a lot of time.
  • They complete the rest of the dungeon in the normal way.

    To better understand what actually happened, watch this video:

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    In any case, an impressive and extremely good tactic in which several mechanics interact with each other. Overall, this trick saves a good 45 seconds of time – which is a real big advantage in MDI.

    This is what the community says: Most viewers are quite enthusiastic about this trick, but are also surprised. Because such complex strategies, which also play with the “reset behavior” of the mobs, are often changed and fixed by Blizzard. The fact that this time they are even ending up on the WoW channel as an official video is new and is seen by many as a sign that Blizzard is loosening up here and allowing the tournament to unfold more, as is appreciated by the community.

  • “This is the most glorious strategy I have ever seen in MDI.” – Gordronfreems
  • “Brilliant and unreal that someone actually came up with this. 200 IQ.” – SoloVeracity
  • What do you think of this trick? Brilliant and well thought out mechanically? Or clear bug abusing and should be banned?

    Although the beta hasn’t started yet, Blizzard is already implementing feedback for the next expansion, “The War Within”.
