ECB, slight drop in the cost of money for new loans to businesses and families

ECB slight drop in the cost of money for new

(Finance) – The composite indicator of cost of borrowing for new business loans decreased by 6 basis points to 5.12% a February 2024, driven by the interest rate effect; the indicator relating to new loans to families for home purchases decreased by 4 basis points to 3.84%, driven by the interest rate effect. This was communicated by the European Central Bank (ECB).
The composite interest rate for i new deposits with a pre-established deadline by the businesses decreased by 5 basis points to 3.63%, driven by the interest rate effect; interest rate for i overnight deposits of companies essentially unchanged at 0.90%

Composite interest rate for i new deposits with a pre-established deadline families and for i overnight deposits of families essentially unchanged at 3.17% and 0.38% respectively
