ECB, Myriam Moufakkir will be the new Chief Services Officer

ECB Myriam Moufakkir will be the new Chief Services Officer

(Finance) – The executive committee of the European Central Bank (ECB) appointed Myriam Moufakkir Chief Services Officer (CSO).

Ms. Moufakkir is currently Chief Business Transformation & Operations Officer at SCOR Property & Casualty (SCOR P&C), a leading reinsurance company headquartered in Paris. Prior to joining SCOR P & C, she held senior leadership roles at AXA Group, where she was Chief Operating Officer and Regional Chief Information Officer at AXA Asia in Hong Kong. You hold a Masters in Engineering from the École centrale de Paris.

“I am looking forward to working with Myriam. Her extensive experience in corporate operations and innovation prepares her well for the role of OSC at the ECB,” said Christine LagardePresident of the ECB.

The CSO’s responsibilities include driving innovation, business operations, workforce planning, and IT modernization. Myriam Moufakkir’s predecessor, Michael Diemer, resigned in September 2022 after six years of service at the ECB. Ms Moufakkir will take up her post in summer 2023.
