ECB chief Lagarde to SVT: “We wait with open arms”

In the 2003 referendum it was no and there is still no parliamentary majority in favor of changing the currency and for the euro.

The currency issue has been relatively cool for a long time, but recently the governing party Liberals decided that they will push the demand that Sweden introduce the euro as currency and the party wants to investigate what membership in the EMU would mean.

The euro advocates point, among other things, to the fact that the Swedish krona has weakened for a long time. And despite the fact that the Riksbank announced another substantial interest rate increase on Wednesday, the Swedish krona continued to fall. It is now close to new lows and one euro costs around 11 kroner and 35 öre.

The Minister of Finance: Not applicable

Voices have also been raised from the business world to debate a transition to the euro, but Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson (M) has replied that it is not up to the point to bring Sweden into the euro cooperation.

Today, Europe’s finance ministers and large parts of the EU’s economic leadership met in Stockholm as part of the presidency, but Sweden is thus outside the Eurogroup.

One of those who made it clear today that she would like to see Sweden change its currency is ECB head Christine Lagarde.

– The euro area is like a big family and we try to protect each other from difficulties and dangers. The countries have had good experience with this. It is a decision for the Swedish people, but we are waiting with open arms, she tells SVT.

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