Ebba Busch has signed an abortion contract: “Want to calm the anxiety”

Ebba Busch has signed an abortion contract Want to calm

On Friday, the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe against Wade, who gave American women a constitutional right to abortion until the 24th week. KD’s party leader Ebba Busch has now drawn up a contract “with Sweden’s women” which will guarantee that the signatories “stand behind Sweden’s abortion legislation and promise to defend it, should it come under attack”. She said this at a press conference on Monday, and pointed out that many women are very worried about what is happening on the other side of the Atlantic.

– Even here in Sweden, the question has now been asked: Can it happen here? I see that anxiety, I understand that anxiety, but I do not buy that Magdalena Andersson is worried, she tells DN.

– Now the Social Democrats are trying to whip up some kind of atmosphere as part of a smear campaign before the election, that Swedish abortion legislation would be threatened. With this contract, I want to calm that anxiety and create security for Sweden’s women.

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Photo: Robin Ek / TT

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KD leader Ebba Busch holds up the signed abortion contract at today’s press conference.

Photo: Ali Lorestani / TT


She says that there is place for all eight parliamentary parties to sign the agreement, and thinks that all need to show that they can “rise above this party-political quarrel that always remains in an election movement”.

– I want to mark this with this contract, to show the broad support that still exists for abortion legislation in Sweden. And that it is much more anchored in Sweden than the approach it has had in the United States.

There are high-ranking KD politicians who have previously questioned Swedish abortion legislation. What does it say about the party’s view of abortion?

– The important thing for me is that I see that all heavy representatives of our party are behind the party’s attitude, are behind Swedish abortion legislation. Then there are in all parties individual members who have thought differently or who may think differently today as well, but who still respect the party’s position and the country’s legislation.

Ebba Busch thinks that the party is “completely crystal clear” that it is behind Swedish abortion legislation. She also says that KD is open to the issue of constitutionally protecting abortion rights in Sweden – which several other parties want – but believes that it is important to meet the concerns “here and now”.

KD’s proposal on The abortion contract quickly provoked political reactions on Twitter.

“Incredibly strange initiative. MP has been fighting for the right to abortion since we were formed. Sweden’s women do not need PR tricks – we need constitutional protection of abortion rights. Do KD and Ebba Busch stand behind it? ” writes the Green Party’s spokesperson Märta Stenevi.

“When right-wing conservative forces globally and in Europe violate women’s rights, it is in the Swedish constitution that protection needs to be strengthened,” writes C-leader Annie Lööf.

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