Eating organic, why is it good?

Eating organic why is it good

7 out of 10 French people eat organic at least once a month (14% every day) and only one person out of 10 declares buying it. A green wave that grows over the years.

Protecting your health and the environment, but also enjoying the quality and taste of the products: in less than a year, 16% of additional consumers have joined the “organic addicts” with these main motivations.

On the same subject

A manifest, and legitimate will, which was reinforced during confinement with research that has become necessary for quality and proximity. Grown without chemical fertilizers or synthetic pesticides, organic products, which are “cleaner”, have proven health benefits, and even if studies are difficult to carry out, some scientific results show this, showing for example a reduction in incidence of allergies and eczema in children fed organic dairy products, a significantly reduced risk of overweight, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and certain cancers (lymphoma) (Nutrinet-santé study, 2017-2019).

Organic, richer?

A study by the University of Newcastle (Great Britain) found in organic plants a reduction in undesirable compounds (cadmium, nitrates and nitrites), but also, conversely, higher levels of beneficial nutrients, in particular antioxidants, with a bonus of 19 to 68% for some of them such as polyphenols and flavonoids. For the authors, “the consumption of organic fruits, vegetables and cereals would thus lead to an increase of 20 to 40% (in some cases, 60%) in consumption in polyphenolic compoundswithout an increase in caloric intake.” The same researchers measured, in the body of large consumers of organic food, increased concentrations of magnesiumof some vitamins and good fatty acids. Several studies that have compared “traditional” and organic show that the dry matter (that is to say after dehydration) of organic is greater, reflecting a higher rate of micronutrients and protective compounds (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants. ..). The nutritional quality is much higher.

Organic, better?

Question of taste… it depends! If organic has constraints in terms of pesticides, nitrates and GMOs from crops, the flavours, origin and nutritional quality do not appear in the specifications.

Nevertheless, “the organoleptic qualities of a plant are provided by its nutrients, which are supports for flavors and aromas, explains Dr. Le Goff, a medical specialist in environmental health. However, the nutritional density of organic fruits and vegetables being higher than those from traditional agriculture, and these having less water, they are generally tastier. However, if we choose non-mature organic products, there will be no miracle!” And if they come from the end of the world in plastic trays, then we eat organic in total inconsistency with sustainable development. You can also find (especially in supermarkets) a number of organic products but no less processed containing palm oil or glucose syrupand of very poor quality in nutritional composition and flavors…

Our expert : Dr. Lylian Le Goff, doctor specializing in environmental health, author of “Eating organic is not a luxury – For me and for the planet”, ed. Marabout, and co-author of “Eating organic without spending more”, ed. living earth.

See also : find the report “Eating organic, the new converts”broadcast on November 10, 2020 on BFM TV in partnership with Top Health.



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