Eating disorders: what is the impact of social networks on their development?

Eating disorders what is the impact of social networks on

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The social networks are often singled out for being the cause of all kinds of ills: misinformation, isolation, and in this case, increased prevalence of eating disorders. They are usually the scapegoats for finding simple answers to complex questions. A recent literature review tries to take stock of the existing associations between the use of social networks, psychopathological factors and the development of eating disorders. It identifies five factors that are at the heart of the links between these different parameters: the time spent on social networks, the use we make of these platforms and the interactions we have within them, socio-cultural influences and the influence of self-esteem and body image satisfaction.

What is this review based on?

Social networks are now an integral part of our lives. Based on this observation, it seems consistent that research in psychology is interested in the impacts that these can have on our development, our mental health or our well-being. In this field of research, the results obtained so far suggest that the use of social networks will have rather positive consequences if the objective is to create links and interactions with other people while they will be rather negative. if they are used passively, abusing social comparison and the spirit of competition. To answer the question of the influence of social networks on the development of eating disorders, the researchers adopted the PECO method to Population, Exposure, Comparator and Outcome (population, exposure, comparison and outcome).

The researchers’ method

In a systematic review, it is important to have certain criteria for “not mixing tea towels and towels” (in other words, studies that have nothing to do with each other). Included studies had to determine participants’ use of social networks (such as last yearwe use the feminine here for the sake of representativeness although, remember, ED in men exist, are more and more widespread and often invisible), include a measurement tool informing about the presence of ED or associated symptoms such as body dissatisfaction, whether the article was published in English or Spanish and was not published before 2004, in other words, before the advent of Facebook.

These studies also had to meet exclusion criteria. Therefore, they should not come from other types of documents than scientific articles published in peer-reviewed journals and should be mainly qualitative, not concern apps meetings or chats on forums, do not study groups on social networks that make prevention concerning eating disorders, do not study a specific population such as high-level athletes whose prevalence of eating disorders is higher and finally do not concern the validation of psychological questionnaires.

Social media: prioritizing quality over quantity

After data extraction and statistical analysis, the investigators will draw several conclusions. First, the more time we spend on social media, the more likely we are to develop eating disorders. This obviously depends on the news feed we see scrolling. The mechanism behind this correlation, according to the authors, concerns the internalization of the ideal of slimmingwhich increases concerns about one’s body and can lead to restrictive behaviors aimed at achieving this ideal.

Second, the more we use social media to compare ourselves to others without interacting with them, the more body dissatisfaction and self-esteem are likely to suffer. A key marker also appears to be photo sharing. The mechanism that would hide behind would be an expectation of validation, of feedback vis-à-vis others through likes and comments. However, the link between the number of selfies shared and the development of TCA is inconsistent. On the other hand, there is a link between the number of unshared selfies and concern for and surveillance of one’s body. Negative comments can lead to episodes of dietary restrictions. Nevertheless, social networks are sometimes used by patients and professionals in the field to create interaction and encourage each other in the face of problems. Finally, socio-cultural background also plays a role. Within African-American communities, there seems to be much less concern with the thin ideal. This state of affairs is corroborated by a single study.

The vicious circle of social networks

As we have said and as demonstrated in this literature review, passive social comparison largely determines the influence of social networks on the development of eating disorders. But it is not enough to say that everything depends on how we use them, because in fact, we use them mainly for this purpose and some are built in such a way that it continues. Indeed, there is a vicious circle which is set up and which begins with a weak self esteem, strong body dissatisfaction and food restrictions. The incessant comparisons on social networks, in particular instagram and TikTok, whose operation is quite conducive to this phenomenon, fuel these feelings. But social networks are not guilty in themselves. Any environment that fosters this type of passive comparison has the potential to engender this vicious cycle. This is why in the future, it remains for us to create, in real as in virtual, healthier spaces for all.

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